Beside healthcare workers since 1972
Medinat is leader in the supply of medical devices and electromedical equipment in Italy and abroad. Since 1972 Medinat has gradually grown and in a few years it has become an important benchmark thanks to constant investments in research of innovative solutions.
Medinat boasts a consolidated management system, compliant with standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, which allows to increase the level of specialisation in every field of expertise.

Medical innovation
Medinat also focuses on technological innovation in healthcare, constantly seeking solutions that can improve the efficiency of patient care and work safety for all healthcare professionals.
Medinat strongly believes in those technologies that really increase the workforce and can decrease the risks and issues related to human error, always focusing on the health of the people involved in all processes.
Medinat, conscious of the centrality of the quality of life of the patient and the compliance of the services provided by the principals of efficiency and professional ethics of the company and of multinational partners, adopts organizational standards increasingly strict through the adoption of:
Ethic Code which defines with clarity the set of values that the company identifies, accepts and endorses and the set of responsibilities which the company takes toward the inside and towards the outside.
Management system, Certificate compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Quality Standard. Model of Organisation, Management and Control according toLgs.231/2001 Security standards according toLgs 81/2008.
Directors Board
Massimo Natullo
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Aldo Campagnola
Chief Executive Officer
Roberta Natullo
Sole Auditor
Dr. Gianfranco Esposito
Supervisory Board
Avv. Manuela Corbo